There have been a lot of questions about how pets will be consolidated across multiple toons, especially with the 500 pet limit and the maximum of 3 of each type of pet (ie. you can only have 3 Spawn of Onyxia or 3 Adders). Mumper clarified how this will work.
Pets will still be merged on MoP launch, but instead of placing them in your bags or mail they will be placed directly in your pet journal. You will be allowed to have more than 500 and 3x per pet during this process. Any pets that are flagged as unique will be merged into one and also placed in your journal. (Unique pets are from Achievements, Pet Store, Promotions and Guild) You will be able to cage any pets that are tradeable and you can release anything that you have more than one of.
A few examples:
- A account has a total of 6 Wolvar Pups across all of it’s characters. On merge the account would have 6 Wolvar Pups. This would be the only time an account is allowed to have more than 3x of a single pet.
- A account has a total of 3 Murky’s from BlizzCon 2005 and 4 Nuts from the pet collection achievements across all of it’s characters. (both unique pets) On merge the account will have 1 Murky and 1 Nuts.
Hope that helps clear things up. (Source)
Unfortunately it is bad news for those who thought they could sell excess rare pets, since many of those will be consolidated.
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