Beast World of Warcraft Pets
Beasts deal 25% extra damage below half health
Damage taken:
Increased 50% from Mechanical abilities
Decreased 33% from Humanoids abilities
Adder Blasted Lands, Dun Morogh, Durotar, Hellfire Peninsula, Nagrand, Northern Barrens, Northern Stranglethorn |
Albino Snake Breanni in Dalaran |
Alpine Foxling Kun-Lai Summit |
Alpine Foxling Kit Kun-Lai Summit |
Amethyst Spiderling Krasarang Wilds |
Arctic Fox Kit The Storm Peaks while snowing |
Ash Lizard Mount Hyjal, Un-Goro Crater |
Ash Spiderling Searing Gorge |
Ash Viper Burning Steppes, Shadowmoon Valley |
Baby Ape The Cape of Stranglethorn Vale while raining |
Baby Blizzard Bear WOW’s 4th anniversary |
Bananas TGC Through the Dark Portal |
Black Kingsnake Xan’tish in Orgrimmar |
Black Tabby Cat Rare drop in Hillsbrad Foothills |
Bombay Cat Donni Anthania in Elwynn Forest |
Brown Snake Xan’tish in Orgrimmar |
Bucktooth Flapper The Jade Forest |
Calico Cat Breanni in Dalaran |
Cat Arathi Highlands, Elwynn Forest, Eversong Woods, Gilneas City, Netherstorm, Silvermoon City, The Culling of Stratholme |
Cheetah Cub Northern Barrens |
Clefthoof Runt Nagrand |
Clouded Hedgehog The Dread Wastes |
Cobra Hatchling From Mysterious Egg, requires Revered with Oracles. |
Coral Adder The Jade Forest |
Coral Snake Stonetalon Mountains |
Cornish Rex Cat Donni Anthania in Elwynn Forest |
Crimson Snake Dealer Rashad in Netherstorm and Xan’tish in Orgrimmar |
Crunchy Scorpion Dread Wastes |
Crystal Spider Dun Morogh, The Oculus, Winterspring |
Darkmoon Cub 90 Darkmoon Prize Tickets |
Darkmoon Monkey 90 Darkmoon Prize Tickets |
Darkshore Cub Darkshore |
Darting Hatchling Dart’s Nest in Dustwallow Marsh |
Desert Spider Desolace, Lost City of the Tol’Vir, Silithus, Tanaris, Uldum |
Deviate Hatchling Rare drop from Deviate Guardians & Ravagers in Wailing Caverns |
Devouring Maggot Howling Fjord |
Diemetradon Hatchling Un’Goro Crater |
Dun Morogh Cub 40 Champion’s Seal in Argent Tournament Grounds (Alliance) |
Durotar Scorpion 40 Champion’s Seal in Argent Tournament Grounds (Horde) |
Dusk Spiderling Duskwood |
Emerald Boa Lost City of the Tol’vir, Northern Barrens, Southern Barrens, Uldum, Un’Goro Crater |
Feline Familiar 150 Tricky Treats during Hallow’s End |
Festering Maggot Eastern Plaguelands |
Feverbite Hatchling Krasarang Wilds |
Fjord Worg Pup Howling Fjord |
Forest Spiderling Northern Stranglethorn, The Cape of Stranglethorn |
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Fox Kit Rare drop from Baradin Fox in Tol Barad Peninsula |
Giraffe Calf Southern Barrens |
Grove Viper The Jade Forest |
Gundrak Hatchling Zul’Drak |
Horned Lizard Badlands, Silithus |
Hyjal Bear Cub 1500g in Molten Front |
Jumping Spider The Jade Forest |
Jungle Grub Krasarang Wilds |
King Snake Badlands |
Larva Ghostlands, Naxxramas |
Lashtail Hatchling From An Old Friend quest in Zul’Gurub |
Leaping Hatchling Takk’s Nest in Northern Barrens |
Leopard Scorpid Uldum |
Little Black Ram Loch Modan |
Lizard Hatchling Northern Stranglethorn, The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Maggot Ashenvale, Dun Morogh, Ghostlands, Hillsbrand Foothills, Howling Fjord, Naxxramas, The Hinterlands, Tirisfal Glades |
Moccasin Swamp of Sorrows |
Molten Hatchling Searing Gorge |
Mr. Grubbs Drop in Eastern Plaguelands with Fiona’s Lucky Charm |
Nightsaber Cub TCG Card from Twilight of the Dragons |
Obsidian Hatchling Breanni in Dalaran |
Orange Tabby Cat Donni Anthania in Elwynn Forest |
Panda Cub World of Warcraft Collector’s Edition |
Panther Cub Some Good Will Come quest reward in Northern Stranglethorn |
Plains Monitor Kun-Lai Summit |
Poley iCoke promotion |
Rat Snake Duskwood |
Rattlesnake Badlands, Tanaris, Twilight Highlands |
Ravager Hatchling Bloodmyst Isle |
Ravasaur Hatchling Ravasaur Matriarch’s Nest in Un’Goro Crater |
Razormaw Hatchling Razormaw Matriarch’s Nest in Wetlands |
Razzashi Hatchling Rare drop in Northern Stranglethorn, The Care of Stranglethorn |
Rock Viper Blade’s Edge Mountains, Desolace, Mount Hyjal, Silithus |
Sand Kitten Tanaris |
Scalded Basilisk Hatchling Blade’s Edge Mountains |
Scorpid Ahn’Qiraj, Blade’s Edge Mountains, Blasted Lands, Burning Steppes, Eastern Plaguelands, Hellfire Peninsula, Orgrimmar, Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj, Shadowmoon Calley, Silithus, Thousand Needles, Twilight Highlands |
Scorpling Blasted Lands |
Siamese Cat Dealer Rashad in Netherstorm |
Sidewinder Silithus, Uldum |
Silent Hedgehog Dread Wastes |
Silithid Hatchling Tanaris during sandstorm |
Silver Tabby Cat Donni Anthania in Elwynn Forest |
Skittering Cavern Crawler Blade’s Edge Mountains |
Smolderweb Hatchling Drops from Mother Smolderweb in Lower Blackrock Spire |
Snake Black Temple, Dun Morogh, Dustwallow Marsh, Eversong Woods, Feralas, Ghostlands, Gilneas, Gundrak, Howling Fjord, Loch Modan, Nagrand, Northern Stranglethorn, Sholazar Basin, Silverpine Forest, Sunken Temple, Terokkar Forest, The Black Morass, The Shattered Halls, Tol Barad, Wailing Caverns, Westfall, Zangarmarsh, Zul’Drak |
Snow Cub Dun Morogh |
Spider Most zones |
Spiky Lizard Badlands, Silithus |
Spiny Lizard Durotar, Orgrimmar |
Stripe-Tailed Scorpid Badlands, Tanaris, Terokkar Forest |
Stunted Shardhorn Sholazar Basin |
Summit Kid Kun-Lai Summit |
Temple Snake The Jade Forest |
Tree Python Northern Stranglethorn, The Cape of Stranglethorn, Un’Goro Crater |
Twilight Iguana Thousand Needles |
Twilight Spider Azshara, Deepholm, Twilight Highlands |
Venomspitter Hatchling Stonetalon Mountains |
Warpstalker Hatchling Terokkar Forest |
Water Snake Durotar, Northern Stranglethorn, Orgrimmar, Swamp of Sorrows, Twilight Highlands, Wetlands |
White Kitten Purchased from rare spawn NPC Lil Timmy in Stormwind |
Widow Spiderling Duskwood at night |
Wild Silkworm Valley of the Four Winds |
Wind Rider Cub Blizzard Pet Store |
Winterspring Cub Michelle De Rum in Winterspring |
Worg Pup Quartermaster Zigris in Lower Blackrock Spire |
Zooey Snake Kun-Lai Summit |
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